Insights and Journey

A few things I've learned in the process while working on this project.  One of the obvious things Ive learned was that developing games is hard. Mind you I spent most of the time creating the assets. I didn't have much hand in writing code. However with that being said its still a monumental task for someone who always dream of building a game from but never where or how to start and is also working alone.  For this project I wanted to really focus on mechanics more so than aesthetics. I do want things to "look" good sure  but I want it to "feel" and "play" well. Not sure if I have achieved that this time around but I'm motivated enough to keep going and work towards that. The idea behind "Trigger Bunny" was simply to create something that would generate some form of buzz or discussion with my classmates as well as something to add as portfolio piece. One of my earlier ideas didn't really get any initial commentary so I decided that I wanted to go with the traditional 2D action platformer as it was the most familiar to me with a cute bunny using a gun shooting down evil dark crows. I spent a week observing my classmates, researching forums online and just general scrolling on  Instagram and pinterest. Needless to say I figured out my demographic that I wanted to appeal to and focus on. Once I decided on the characters and the mechanics what was left was deciding on the overall look and feel of the game.

Overall, It felt like I wore multiple hats. QA tester to artist to somewhat of  a programmer.  There were times I felt overwhelmed and a frustrated to trying to find information that at times you can only get form outdated tutorials or the manual. However I'm also grateful because I have a Professor who really took time to explain everything that one needed to know or was worth learning. 

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Dec 19, 2023 93 MB
Dec 19, 2023

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